Dear Kindergarten Parents or Guardians, 

We are excited for your Kindergarteners to join us here at Sterling Grade School. You will find, if you don’t know already, this is a wonderful building with the best staff around. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete these required surveys online for Mrs. Comely and Mrs. Dowell. 

Because your child's first 5 years of life are so important, we want to help you provide the best start for your child. You've been invited to participate in an Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2™ and ASQ 3), online screening to provide a quick check of your child’s social and emotional development. You will be asked to answer questions about some of your child's behaviors. The questionnaires include questions about your child's ability to calm down, take direction and follow rules, communicate, perform daily activities (e.g. eating, sleeping), act independently, demonstrate feelings, and interact with others. 

To participate in this screening study, please access the following URL by typing it into your Internet Browser and clicking on the link that says: I am completing both the ASQ:SE-2™ and ASQ-3™ questionnaires. 

Internet Browser Link for the Ages and Stages Questionnaires

We look forward to your participation in ASQ online surveys! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or your child’s teacher. 


Jamie Burtner

Principal Sterling Grade School

218 S 5th Sterling, Kansas 67579

620-278-3112 ext. 1104