Children come into this world ready for love and learning, but your baby was not born with directions! Parents as Teachers is a program that informs, supports and encourages parents like you in this important role. You are your child's first and most influential teacher.
Parents as Teachers is a free, state-funded program designed to empower parents and caregivers with the latest research-based developmental information, activities that support and encourage parent-child interaction and child development, and access to a network of early childhood agencies, as well as other parents with young children.
Parents as Teachers comes to you! Once or twice a month, your Home Visitor
will visit you at your home, where you and your child are most comfortable. They will bring information and an activity designed around your child's developmental needs and goals. We offer home visits in the morning, afternoon, and evening! We also offer playgroups and group activities throughout the month and year.
We serve families that live in Lyons or Sterling and have children age 0(prenatal)-3 years old. You can enroll your child anytime by contacting us at the information below.
Kari Troyer--Director/Parent
1-620-257-5196 x152
Facebook: Rice County Parents as Teachers