Driver's Ed Information (printable)
USD #376 Sterling High School
Summer Driver’s Education Program
The enrollment deadline is May 16th, 2025. Class enrollment may be limited with priority given to incoming seniors, juniors, and sophomores respectively. Every effort will be made to guarantee upperclassmen a spot in the class. In case of high enrollment, the lottery system may be used to fill the remaining slots with incoming freshmen.
All students residing in the USD #376 district who are 14 years old before May 21, 2025 will be eligible to enroll.
Class Dates and Times:
The classroom sessions will run May 21st - May 23rd. You must attend every class. Classes will meet in the Sterling High School theatre. The classroom will run from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Driving Schedule:
Driving Schedules will be determined by the enrollment and will be made available on or before May 22nd. Students enrolled should plan to be available to drive for one week in June or early July depending upon their assigned driving group. The first driving groups are scheduled to begin June 2nd. Driving times may be flexible, but the classroom times are not. Each student will receive a minimum of 3 hours of individual behind the wheel instructional driving. Each student must pass all of the driving competencies to pass the class. If more driving is needed, extra time may be provided to work on driving skills.
In order to meet state requirements for this program, attendance is mandatory. Students are not allowed to miss a class. Three tardies will result in dismissal from the class. Students who are absent or tardy and are unable to meet the attendance requirements will be dropped from the class. Students must pass the classroom competencies by May 23rd.
Driving is a very serious responsibility, not a right. Students will be responsible for appropriate conduct and may be removed from the program for disruptive, inappropriate, or dangerous behavior. The instructor will determine if a student may continue in the course and under what conditions.
No student will be eligible for credit unless that student successfully completes each instructional objective both in the classroom and behind the wheel. Each student will receive a letter grade following the scale that has been established by the Board of Education. Both portions, classroom and behind the wheel, must be passed for the student to receive credit for the course. There is no test out procedure. Students who pass the course will receive an endorsement signed by the certified instructor to apply for their Restricted Driving License or Driving License.
There is no cost for the class this year because of the Eisenhower Grant. Vision Screening
Students have been or will be given a mandatory vision screening test to see if they have good enough vision to qualify them to drive and apply for a license. Failure to pass the vision test will result in the student not being allowed to drive and therefore will not pass the course until the vision can be corrected. If students normally wear contacts or glasses they should bring them to class each day.
SUMMER 2025 CLASS AND DRIVING SCHEDULE CLASSROOM at SHS Theatre May 21st - 23rd from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
DRIVING TIMES (Groups of 3)
June 2nd - 6th
Group 1 7:30 - 9:30 am
Group 2 9:30 - 11:30 am
Group 3 11:30 - 1:30 pm
Group 4 1:30 - 3:30 pm
June 9th - 13th (Groups of 3)
Group 5 7:30 - 9:30 am
Group 6 9:30 - 11:30 am
Group 7 11:30 - 1:30 pm
Group 8 1:30 - 3:30 pm
June 16th - 20th (Groups of 3)
Group 9 7:30 - 9:30 am
Group 10 9:30 - 11:30 am
Group 11 11:30 - 1:30 pm
Group 12 1:30 - 3:30 pm
June 23rd - 27th (Groups of 3)
Group 13 7:30 - 9:30 am
Group 14 9:30 - 11:30 am
Group 15 11:30 - 1:30 pm
Group 16 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Graduated Driver’s License Provisions
(HB 2143)
*Effective 01/01/2010
These guidelines are intended for general purposes only, and are not intended to provide information on all provisions of the Kansas Graduated Driver’s License Law. Persons may consult the Kansas Department of Revenue (785-296-3963) for a complete reading of the Kansas Graduated Driver’s License Law.
Instruction Permit
● Minimum age 14; Expires in one year; May be renewed
● If under age 16, must have written application of parent/guardian
● Must pass vision and written examinations
● Must be accompanied by adult (at least age 21) in front seat who holds a valid driver’s license with at least one year of driving experience
● NO person except supervising driver can be in front seat
● NO wireless communication device while driving except to report illegal activity or to summon emergency help
Restricted License
● Minimum Age 15
● Issued only with written application of parent/guardian
● Must have held instruction permit for at least one year and completed at least 25 hours of supervised driving ● Must successfully complete approved Driver Education course (not required if applying at age 16) ● If under age 16, may drive at any time:to/from or in connection with any job, employment or farm-related
work over the most direct and accessible route between home and school for the purpose of attendance when accompanied by an adult (at least age 21) in front seat who holds a valid driver’s license ● During this time: must complete additional 25 hours of supervised driving (10 of the 50 hours total must be at night)
● NO non-sibling minor passengers are allowed
● NO wireless communication device while driving except to report illegal activity or to summon emergency help
● If over age 16, first 6 months, may drive at any time:
○ From 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
○ To/from or in connection with any job, employment or farm-related work
○ To/from authorized school activities
○ When accompanied by an adult (at least age 21) in front seat who holds a valid driver’s license ○ During this time: One non-immediate family member minor passenger (less than 18 years old) is allowed
● NO wireless communication device while driving except to report illegal activity or to summon emergency help
● Minimum age 16 ½
● No restrictions if all prior requirements have been met and no infractions have occurred in the previous 6 months.
Full (Unrestricted) License
● Age 17 – if first time applicant, not including instruction permit.
● Must pass vision, written, and driving exam.
● Must provide proof of age and identification
● Signed affidavit of parent or guardian, stating applicant has completed at least 50 hours of adult (at least age 21) supervised driving with at least 10 of those hours being at night.
Farm Permit
● Minimum age 14
● Must reside on a farm (parcel of land larger than 20 acres used in agricultural operations), or be employed for compensation on a farm
● Issued only with written application of parent/guardian
● Must pass vision, written and driving examinations
● If under age 16, may drive at any time: to/from or in connection with any farm job, employment or other farm-related work, over the most direct and accessible route between home and school for the purpose of attendance, when accompanied by an adult (at least age 21)who holds a valid driver’s license, NO non-sibling minor passengers are allowed. NO wireless communication device while driving except to report illegal activity or to summon emergency help
● Prior to age 16, must provide signed affidavit attesting to completion of at least 50 hours of supervised driving, with at least 10 of those hours being at night.
● If over age 16, first 6 months, may drive at any time:
○ From 5 a.m. to 9 p.m./from or in connection with any farm job, employment or other farm-related work, to/from authorized school activities, when accompanied by an adult (at least age 21)who holds a valid driver’s license
○ One non-immediate family member minor passenger (less than 18 years old) is allowed ○ NO wireless communication device while driving except to report illegal activity or to summon emergency help
○ Minimum age 16 ½
○ No restrictions if all prior requirements have been met and no infractions have occurred in the previous 6 months
● Restricted driver’s license shall be suspended for any violation of restrictions ● License shall be suspended if involved in two or more accidents chargeable to the licensee – not reinstated for one year
● Under age 16 and convicted of two or more moving traffic violations committed on separate occasions shall not be eligible to receive full (unrestricted) license until age 17
● Under age 17 (at least 16) and convicted of two or more moving traffic violations committed on separate occasions shall not be eligible to receive full (unrestricted) license until age 18 +