NHS Timeline
Friday, September 13 Application Deadline (Applications must be turned in to Mrs. Calderwood by 3:30 p.m.)
Monday, September 16-Thursday, September 19 Committee reviews and chooses candidates.
Friday, September 20 - Candidates informed of committee choices.
Monday, September 23 - Letter and invitation sent home concerning the NHS induction ceremony.
Monday, October 28 - Induction ceremony at Sterling College, 7:00 p.m.
If you are a junior or senior who has been enrolled in Sterling High School for at least 2 semesters, you are eligible to be a member of the Sterling High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Here are the additional qualifications you must have:
You must have a 3.5 or higher GPA
You must have completed a minimum of 10 hours of community service during your high school years.
You must possess positive leadership qualities.
You must have positive character traits.
You must fill out an application form, found on the link above. The application is due to Mrs. Calderwood by 3:30 p.m. Friday, September 13.
If selected, NHS dues will be $25 paid the the SHS office.
To understand what NHS sees as good character and positive leadership, check the links in the NHS Handbook above.
NHS SERVICE PROJECTS!! Below is a list of past service projects our SHS National Honor Society Members worked on.
Improvements at the Beach Volleyball Courts.
Inventory items for the School District.
Organize the vocal music library at SHS.
Soup Supper fundraiser for SHASTA.
Work with the Prairie Arts Show.
Assist with the Grade School Christmas Program.
"Night of Sign Language" fundraiser
Organize a "Heart Walk" fundraiser.
Parents Night Out babysitting.
Teaching American Sign Language classes.
Work at the Grade School library.
Make door decorations for the Sterling Presbyterian Manor.
Coach a Grade School girls' basketball team.
Assist with the AWANA program.
Organize a recycling campaign at SHS.
DVD editing
Math tutoring for the after-school program.