Good afternoon parents,
We are taking the following precautions to reduce the probability of spreading illness in the district. Although the coronavirus has not reached our area, it is likely that we will have cases in our community sometime soon.
- To avoid students touching the serving utensils, we have rearranged lunch serving procedures. Students will not serve themselves or punch in their own numbers at checkout
- At SGS, the district nurse is going to review with students the proper way to wash hands with soap and water and the proper way to use alcohol based sanitizer. I've attached a link to a video that we want all teachers at SJSHS to show during first hour tomorrow..
- We're asking all teachers to sanitize all hard surfaces (desks, counters, podiums, etc.) in their rooms twice each day. Once first thing in the morning and a second time near the middle of the day. To use our spray sanitizer you must let it sit wet on the surface for 2 minutes before wiping off. Each room will also get an aerosol disinfectant to use on computer keyboards and touchscreens. The arosol you can spray on and leave to dry. Please use the aerosol ONLY on computers and other devices because it is in short supply!!! Also disinfect anything that students regularly touch (Light switches, water fountains, door handles, etc.). Custodians will be doing this as well, but more cleaning is better.
- Finally, students and/or staff that are sick must stay home. Anyone with a fever should stay home until they are fever free for at least 24 hours. If there is an outbreak in our area, anyone with symptoms should stay home and contact their doctor.
The most important thing is to reassure students that there is no reason to panic. Children are at very low risk of developing severe illness from this virus. Thankfully, unlike many illnesses, coronavirus has shown mild symptoms in young patients. The purpose of cancelling sporting events and the other large events we've seen on the news is to slow the spread of the illness so that hospitals and clinics can keep up with the small percentage of patients that need to be admitted. All we can do now is take precautions, stay calm, and take care of each other the best we can.