The 2020 Lady Bears tennis team recently competed in the CPL League tennis tournament earning third place. The JV team took first place in their division of the same tournament.
V Results at CPL League
#1 Doubles Richter / Anderson first place
#2 Doubles Rowland / Wilson first place
#2 Singles Carder third place
JV Results at CPL LEAGUE
#1Singles Webb second place
#2 Singles LaTourell first place
#1 Doubles Chesney sisters first place
#32 Doubles Stinemetz / McGaughey third place
The varsity girls will now compete in the 2020 Regional Tournament hosted in Lindsborg on Friday and Saturday (October 9-10). The other schools competing are Alma-Wabaunsee, Bennington, Hillsboro, Smoky Valley, Lyons, Perry-Lecompton, Prairie Village-Kansas City Christian, Rossvile, Sabetha, Salina-Sacred Heart, as well as Shawnee-Marantha Christian Academy.
We wish the Lady Bears tennis team and coaches the best of luck as they play for a birth to the 3-2-1A State Tournament in Wichita on October 16-17, 2020.