
Tomorrow, Sterling Jr/Sr High School will shift to a Hybrid model. Details of this shift can be found by CLICKING HERE. The highlights are:

  • Students will attend school in person one day and online the next. Students should log in to each class, including Success, on those days when not in the building. Google Meet codes are first initial then last name (i.e., bdutton).
  • Halving the population of our students attending will enable us to provide the recommended 6' distance in nearly all situations, thereby virtually eliminating student quarantines when someone tests positive.
  • The schedule shifts from the Block schedule back to the 8-period day, allowing students to be in class 2-3 times each week instead of just once or twice in the block.

We know that this model is more difficult from some students and are ready to provide assistance. Just call us and we'll do what we can, as quickly as we can. If you have questions about anything, please feel free to call the office or email me (