
At the December 9 Special Meeting of the USD 376 Board of Education, approval of the SJSHS Seating Plan was given ahead of the resumption of allowing fans per Tuesday's decision by the KSHSAA Board of Directors. The KSHSAA Board approved two parents or guardians per participant family beginning on December 10. As such, the following expectations have been developed:

  • All occupants, except for players currently in the contest, are required to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth at all times.
  • Parents & players not on the team bench must sit in seats marked with a white square.
  • No food or drink allowed in gymnasium.
  • Parents/Guardians are only allowed to attend games in which their son or daughter is suited up and eligible to play or scheduled to cheer. Admission fees will be collected and passes will be honored.
  • Please exit the facility after your student’s game is complete and refrain from congregating in or around the facility.

Violations of the above expectations will result in removal from the facility and a 2-game suspension applying to both home and away contests.


  • We will not have concessions.
  • We will announce start times of each game via our website, app, via text message and social media so you can plan your arrival accordingly.
  • Players may eat between games in our commons area, so long as they are socially distanced (white squares on seats).