We have great kids in Sterling. The few kids that we have who are struggling are kids that have challenging circumstances in their lives, in and out of school. We are looking for someone that can work with these students and their families to get the kids on track and provide supports that they may not have elsewhere.
The perfect applicant has a heart for working with adolescents and young adults. They will be a relentless problem solver to make sure every student in Sterling Junior Senior High School will be successful. That may mean making home visits, teaching responsibility for completing and turning in assignments, and finding creative ways to motivate difficult to motivate students. We can be flexible with certifications (or lack thereof) for the right person.
This position will be paid with ESSER funds which are available for three years. Hopefully the right person will prove themselves so valuable that we will make the position permanent.
Interested parties should send the following to kuhna@usd376.com
- USD 376 Application for Professional Employment (found at https://5il.co/9uyo )
- Current Resume
- Copy of current Kansas Teaching Certificate
- Cover letter/Letter of Interest
The position is open until filled and we will hire the right applicant immediately.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact Jim Goracke at 620-278-3621 or gorackej@usd376.com