October is National Bully Prevention Month! In counselor class this month, we are learning about the different types of bullying, bullying versus teasing, and how to be an upstander instead of a bystander. To celebrate our commitment to treating everyone with kindness, Sterling Grade School is having a bully-free spirit week! There will be prizes each day for the best outfits as well as daily kindness challenges to complete.
Monday 10/25: Team up against bullying! Favorite sports team.
Tuesday 10/26: Crazy hair, I care! Wear your wackiest hairdo!
Wednesday 10/27: Leave bullying in the past. Wear clothes from a different decade.
Thursday 10/28: We are all unique! Wear mismatched clothes, the more colors and patterns, the better!
Friday 10/29: Say "Boo" to bullying. (Change into your Halloween costume AT SCHOOL before the parade).