Updates to The USD 376 Reopening Plan
Students in quarantine:
Can continue in-school testing + masking for their required 5 day quarantine to allow them to be in-school during that quarantine period.
Will continue masking through day 10 and will test on day 7 and 10. (So testing for those in quarantine will be day 1-5, 7, and 10)
If they do not participate in in-school testing or refuse to wear a mask, they still must do a 10-day home quarantine.
Students in quarantine must test on a day of competition if it's anywhere in the 10 days of quarantine. If they test negative, they do not have to wear a mask during competition.
Out of school non-household contacts are now eligible for Test to Stay.
Household contacts must stay home from school for 5 days from the last exposure, then test and wear a mask for 5 additional days.
Students who are positive for COVID:
Must isolate at home for 5 days without exception
Must test negative on the morning of day 6 in order to return to school on day 6. If the student tests positive on the morning of day 6, they will automatically need to complete the full 10 day isolation at home.
Must be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and must have no symptoms or resolving symptoms by the time of their return on day 6.
Must continue to wear a mask from day 6-10. If they refuse to mask, they will be sent home.
Cannot play sports or other activities that would cause them to be without a mask, with the exception of eating, until after day 10. These students will be socially distanced while eating
Masks should be surgical masks, n95/kn95, or two layer cloth approved by the school nurse.