
Last night the Board of Education voted to make the following changes to our covid protocols.

Close contacts

We will no longer do contact tracing if a student or staff member is positive while at school. If a positive is reported to us we will notify all parents in the class that their child may have been exposed. For SJSHS students we will notify all junior high parents if there is a positive in grades 7-8 and all high school parents if there is a positive in grades 9-12.

Household contacts

This policy is unchanged. It is most easily explained with a scenario:

Mom tests positive on January 31st. Mom’s son must stay home from school for 10 days from when her symptoms started, or from the positive test if asymptomatic. He can then return to school on February 10th and test and mask for 5 additional days, until the 15th. 

Test to Return

Students and staff members that test positive need to stay home for 5 days after symptoms begin, or if asymptomatic, 5 days after the positive test. Beginning on day 6, they can test and return with a negative test. The change allows for a retest on days 6, 7, 8, and 9 if the previous day’s test is still positive. 

With these changes it is more important than ever to keep kids home if they are sick. Kids should be fever free for at least 24 hours without medication before returning to school. 

We will still offer testing upon request for any student or staff member. Call either school to schedule a time for testing.