Next Monday and Tuesday, Sterling Junior/Senior High School will host fall conferences from 4:00 until 7:00 each evening.
Junior High conferences will be held in the Junior High Hallway in Success teachers' classrooms. 7th and 8th graders are working with their parents and teachers to schedule times this week. If you would like to meet with other JH core teachers, please let your student's Success teacher know and we'll help facilitate a meeting. If you'd like to meet with one of their elective teachers, please come to the South Gym before or after your scheduled conference time.
High School conferences will be held in the South Gym and will be conducted as a come-and-go event, where each teacher will have a table. Mrs. Schechter (English 1) and Mrs. Christina Rowland (World History) will be available each evening in the South Gym after 6:00.
Due to concurrent commitments, we do have some staff who will be present for only part of the two evenings; please see our flyer at the link below. If you are unable to make it to the school at a time when the teacher(s) you would like to see is/are available, please make arrangements with the teacher via email or call our office (278.2171) for assistance.
CLICK HERE to access our flyer for this event.