Catch the 2A Boys State Basketball Championship opening round from KSU tonight at 6 pm. The pre-game show starts at 5:40 from Bramlage on Ad Astra Radio. The live stream can be viewed at or Good luck Black Bears!
1 day ago, Dean Mantz
AD Astra Radio 2025 Basketball State Championship Wednesday, Marc 12, 2025. 100.3FM plus Live Stream Video. Sterling vs Chase County in Boys 2A.
SGS Bearcubs who earned the February character trait KINDNESS award. These students treat others the way they want to be treated! Congrats Bear cubs.
3 days ago, Jaime Burtner
SGS February AR Winners were treated to Pizza from Gabino's Pizza last Wednesday. Winners were: Breelyn, Aylise, Tate, Leah, Royce, Jessica, and Jaxon. Congrats winners! Keep Reading!
4 days ago, Jaime Burtner
ar pizza feb
Tickets for state basketball can be purchased at:
4 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Congrats to our SHS BB Team for qualifying for the 2A State BB Tourney in Manhattan this week! There is some information that you need to be aware of before you get to the round #1 game on Wednesday. The boys play Cottonwood Falls-Chase County at 6:00 pm at Bramlage Coliseum. Bramlage is a cashless facility. Tickets to the games will need to be purchased online through the GoFan link on the KSHSAA site under 2A. Tickets will be $12.55 by credit card only. K-State also has a Clear Bag Policy which means fans entering the coliseum can only bring in a clear bag that is compliant with their clear bag policy. The policy is in the attachment I have provided. All non-clear bags, including purses will not be allowed. They are also not allowing portable seat cushions or cushions with seat backs.
4 days ago, Jeff Fuss
State BB Fan Info.
State BB Fan Info.
State Basketball shirts available NOW!! Orders are due by 6pm Sunday March 9th! -check back in for pick up information- ***IF YOU HAVE A STATE BB PLAYER, PEP BAND MEMBER GOING TO STATE OR CHEERLEADER GOING TO STATE, THE BOOSTER CLUB IS PURCHASING THEIR SHIRTS AND HAVE SIZES FROM COACHES.***
5 days ago, Wes Laudermilk
The SHS Boys BB Team will play Stanton County in the 2A Boys Sub-State Championship Saturday, March 8th at 2:30 pm in Sublette. Sublette HS is located at 501 Ellis. Sublette's AD has asked me to let fans know that they are to leave the gym immediately after the game so the next game's crowd can get situated. We can use the auxiliary gym to talk with our boys, take pictures, etc.
7 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Sub-State BB Bracket
We have been notified by KSHSAA that because of the impending blizzard conditions and high winds in Western Kansas tomorrow all Sublette Sub-State Semifinal BB games have been moved to Thursday, March 6th. Medicine Lodge will play Sterling at 7:00 pm Thursday in Sterling. All championship games in the Sublette Sub-State will be played on Saturday, March 8th beginning at 1:00 pm. The 2A boys will play their championship games in Sublette at 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm followed by the 2A girls.
10 days ago, Jeff Fuss
11 days ago, Jaime Burtner
Congrats to Jacynn Boeken for placing 4th at the KSHSAA 3-2-1A Girls State Wrestling Championships at FHSU. Jacynn finished the year with a 41-7 record. Way to go Jacynn!
12 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Jacynn 4th Place
Congrats to Kynli Proffitt for signing a letter of intent to cheer at Hutchinson Community College next year
15 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Kynli Cheer Signing
Due to a calendar conflict on the original date of 8th grade promotion, we are having to change the date. Promotion will now be held on Saturday, May 17th at 9:00 a.m. It will precede graduation that day which will still be held at 11:00 a.m. We apologize for the change and thank you for understanding.
16 days ago, Wes Laudermilk
SGS Dental checks are tomorrow. They will start around 8:30. The dental screeners will come to your students' classrooms. Any child with a signed consent will also have dental cleanings. The dental cleanings will start on Tuesday afternoon. Dental Screening information and forms can be found in the News files on Sterling USD#376 webpage: This is a great opportunity for kiddos to get dental services.
17 days ago, Jaime Burtner
dental checks
KSHSAA 3-2-1A State Wrestling is Feb. 28th & March 1st at Fort Hays State University Gross Memorial Coliseum. Wrestling begins at 9:00 am on both days. Admission is $11/person.
17 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Sterling HS Girls BB travels to Colby to play Hoxie in a first round Sub-State BB game on Friday, Feb. 28th at 6:00 pm. The game will be played at Colby HS. The KSHSAA Sub-State bracket lists Hoxie as the play site and that information is incorrect. Admission is $8/Adults and $6/K-12 Students. No passes will be accepted for KSHSAA postseason activities.
18 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Sterling HS Boys BB hosts Phillipsburg in a first round Sub-State BB game on Thursday, Feb. 27th at 6:00 pm. Admission is $8/Adults and $6/K-12 Students. No passes will be accepted for KSHSAA postseason activities.
18 days ago, Jeff Fuss
The jazz night scheduled for Thursday the 20th has been postponed. We will send out a date for the reschedule when we have it.
22 days ago, Wes Laudermilk
The JH Quiz Bowl scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 20th at Sedgwick has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.
22 days ago, Jeff Fuss
Sterling Public Schools will be closed again tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th, due to the weather.
23 days ago, Jim Goracke
Sterling Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday February 18th, due to the expected snow and extreme cold.
24 days ago, Jim Goracke