Lyons vs Sterling FB kickoff at 9:40.
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
We are under a lightning delay here in Lyons. We will update with a start time when we find out.
over 5 years ago, Wes Laudermilk
Best Things I Saw This Week: Judah K finished 3rd @ Larned XC in 8th grade Girls'. Student artwork in the Office. See You @ the Pole students arrived early to pray for our school. Hyatt Life Science's Preston Moore visited our Anatomy & Physiology class. #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
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There will be no 5th quarter at tonight’s junior high football game in Marion. We apologize for the timing of this notice and for any inconvenience it may cause.
over 5 years ago, Wes Laudermilk
Sterling FFA at their first-ever Land Judging Contest yesterday. Wilkerson S finished in the top 10 in the Greenhand division. #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
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3BN broadcasts are now accessible using the USD376 mobile application. The link will open the stream in your mobile devices web browser.
over 5 years ago, Dean Mantz
3BN live cast via 376 mobile application
JV tennis is under way here at SHS. Good luck ladies! #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Wes Laudermilk
Sterling JV tennis meet
SHS: Graduation is May 9th @ 11am
over 5 years ago, McKenzi Flickinger
Next weeks JV football game on September 30th was scheduled to be against Lyons. This game will now be played against Conway Springs JV and will still be at 6:00 at Smisor Stadium.
over 5 years ago, Wes Laudermilk
Congrats to Black Bear Cross Country runners Bella (Fr), Judan (8th), and Isabelle (7th) for medaling today at St. John. #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
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We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone: Post
over 5 years ago, Dean Mantz
We're looking for volunteers to work at the SGS Book Fair next week. If you have an hour to help it would be appreciated! Teens can earn community service hours by working. Sign up here:
over 5 years ago, Amy Brownlee
Sterling High School is now accepting applications for head softball coach and assistant softball coach. Interested parties need to fill out a classified application that can be found at and send it to Susan Ziegler at the district office or
over 5 years ago, Wes Laudermilk
Black Bear Volleyball sweeps Berean and Marion in the #OraShields in front of a packed house. #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
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Tonight’s JV game at Marion had been canceled. Sorry for the late notice. We were just notified this morning.
over 5 years ago, Wes Laudermilk
The SHS JV football game scheduled for tonight (9/16/19) at Marion has been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Dean Mantz
Congrats to our SJSHS Fan of the Game: Esmeralda wins a $10 gift card! #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
Fan of the Game 091319
For those folks wanting to know more about our new mobile app and it's functionality, you may want to visit this article
over 5 years ago, Dean Mantz
Black Bear Cross Country brought home two medals from the Hesston meet today. Bella placed 9th in the 1A-3A Freshman girls' race, while Carter took 10th in the 1A-3A Sophomore boys' race. Carter's time was good enough for 13th place when adding in the 4A-6A times. #WeAreSterling
over 5 years ago, Phil Bressler
XC @ Hesston
JH: Sports photos are Monday September 16th @ 2pm
over 5 years ago, McKenzi Flickinger