To verify/update your children’s information in GoEdustar, you will need to use this link - EZ School Enroll. If you enrolled children last year and remember your username and password, you can simply log in with those credentials. If you enrolled last year, but DON'T remember your password, just click the "Forgot?" link and follow the directions to reset your password. If this is your first time with Sterling online enrollment, you'll need to click the Register button, and by following the directions, you should be able to create an account. Once you have successfully created your account, you can log in to the EZSchoolEnroll site.

Once logged into the site, to the left you should see a list like the following:

EZ School Enroll menu

When you click on My Forms you should be taken to a page that lists all the children in your family who attend Sterling Schools, like the picture below where the student names have been grayed out. In this example, this family has one student in Grade School (3 forms to complete), one student in Junior High (3 forms to complete), and one student in High School (5 forms to complete). Please note that depending on what grade your child is in, you may see a different number of forms to complete. In addition to the individual students' forms, there are also Other Forms at the bottom that need to be completed. These Other Forms only need to be completed once.

Under each child’s name will be various forms. When you click the first form you will be taken to a page with one or more sections. As you complete a section, you'll be able to click a "NEXT" button to continue to the following section until all the sections are completed, and you can then submit that form to the school. For instance, in the Family Information Form, you’ll be taken to a page with three sections: Student Information, Parent/Guardian Information, and Emergency Contact Information. Simply click on the Student Information choice, and some data will be displayed for you to verify and update if necessary. Once the data has been verified, click the “Save and Go to Next Section” button, and you’ll be taken to the next section (which is the Parent/Guardian Information page). You’ll continue like this until all three sections have been completed, at which point you'll be given a button to click to submit the information to the school. The Family Information Form is now completed (for that child), and you can continue on to the next form on your list.

Please note that in some sections, certain information cannot be changed. This is particularly true of names. If you need to make a change in the names (or other non-editable information), please either leave a note about the needed change in the Feedback/Add’l Information box at the bottom or contact the school office. On the Emergency Contact Information page, if you need to delete a previous contact, just click the box at the top of that contact's information to mark it for deletion. You can then enter the information for a new Emergency Contact below the current Emergency Contacts.

EZ School Enroll forms to be completed

Sterling Schools hope that your online experience is a positive one. If you have any questions or have problems with the process, please feel free to contact Wes Laudermilk at