To make a payment for fees online, you’ll first need to go to EZ School Pay and log in using your username and password (if you already have an account). If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot? link and follow the directions to reset your password. If you don't have an account, click the Register button. By following the directions, you’ll be able to create an account.

Once you have successfully logged into the EZSchoolPay site, you can associate your children to your account (if you didn't do that in a previous year). To the left of the screen, you should see a list like the following:

EZ School Pay menu

When you click the “My Students” choice, you’ll be given the option to add a student (your children). In addition to the child’s last name, you’ll need to know their Student ID number. If you don't know their number, please contact Wes Laudermilk at Once you have your children associated with your account, you can go to the store, choose the fees you want to pay, load the items into your cart, and then check out. (You may want to go into the Billing Setup to get your credit card information saved on the site so you don't have to keep entering that information when checking out in the future.)